Tuesday 28 February 2012

Finding out what else I can do.

A night's folding and drawing, fooling around with 'artsy' shots

Unofficially, I have set myself a challenge of getting out of my comfort zone this year. With uni behind me (for now) I am willing to set myself a lot more goals and due dates in relation to my art. So, as I have probably mentioned in a previous post, two new things I am trying, zines and stickers - are progressing. There's no pressure but my own; but a lot of influence from people I am close to getting out and doing it all, having it all, being part of it all. (Or so it seems).

A how-to on creating a pincushion. Pg 1, 2.

3, 4.


Back cover, contact details.

Kits for Brown Owls 19th Feb.

Sticker planning.

Broken printer = hand-drawn stickers. Final design. Simple, hopefully effective.

Kits post-Brown Owls (a bit more polished, at least, that is the aim.)
So far, I have been able to do this around preparations for theGRID. The completion date for the building has again been pushed back another fortnight, and I have been fortunate to be alotted more wriggle room incrementally over the last few months. More time for experiments in paper! With one exception. It's the last day of summer, and I might hold off on making paper 'til the end of the cold season.

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