Oh those many years ago! But here I sit, hoary, decrepit, bathing in the glow of nostalgia.
Results of a collaborative project in my first year of uni. My partner dropped out shortly after. Coincidence? Probably. |
Drawing project semester one, year two:
Painting project: Make 25 artworks in 3 hours.
Brush + ink over waterpaint splashing. |
Embraced the random paint splatter with ink and nib, and out came a rattish skull shape. |
Cleaning excess blue and purple paint off my brush turned into an excercise in complimentary blending and experiements in lines....afterwards, out came in ink and nib again. |
Appropriation of an advertising image, one of those creepy ones where women selling shoes/perfume are portrayed as murder victims or something equally dark. |
Yeah, like that. |
This was meant to loosen us up, learn about expressive and gestural techniques. Totally failed on the timeframe, passed overall because I'd done the work, a lot of work.
Drawing classes, semester one year two:
Drawing class: I think this model was drunk. |
Drawing project: I know this model was drunk. Total waster. |
Drawing class |
Drawing project |
Trying my hand at feet. |
Trying my hand at morbidly adorable. I think I missed the mark. |
I love the "hang in there" It reminds me of 1st year, hanging out in your room your at Concannon, ditto the rat skull thingy.