.... very cheaply. I think that's the most important part. Preserves are traditionally made from
excess fruit
Cherry guava fruit. |
Don't think I didn't see you there hipsters, spending $20 on enough out-of-season strawberries to make one pot of jam. I am writing this to tell you, enough of that rubbish! Time to use your noggin.
Local knowledge is important (as is opportunistic scrumping). How well do you know your edible fruiting plants? They're out there, in your space right now, and everyone seems too time-poor (or embarrassed?) to do anything with them. Make your preserves when the fruit is available, in such abundance that it is literally
rotting on the ground, and they will keep for the next gift-giving event.
A favourite tree, very prolific for the last couple of years. |
Are there any forgotten trees in your local area? Here is a
cherry guava, in season right now. Note the rubbish around the tree. Lots more rubbish around the back, too.
There was so much fruit. Which was good, because I was planning to make a lot of jam.
Still ripening. |
While I was picking fruit, I was forcibly reminded of an important point when my hand brushed against some cold poo.
I am not the only creature that has a right to this tree! So, I left heaps of fruits for the birds, bugs and worms, as well as any others persons that might also want to eat some guavas. And before I left, I picked up the rubbish.
Guavas don't float. This is a sink filled with cherry guavas. |
And before I put any in my mouth, I washed them. This brings us to the fun part: top, tail, slice in half. I find this activity is best to do with friends and family members, it goes quicker and you have people to drink and complain with about how it takes so long.
Setting myself up in front of the tv for an hour or two. |
Dull, dull times. And stained fingers the next day. |
Add water to the pot enough to cover the fruit and simmer.
Boiling the fruit in shifts; two hours apiece. |
Next lot to cut while the first lot is boiling. |
Another thing to consider is the type of jam you're making. Guavas have tough skins and very hard seeds, so the recipe asks me to use the juice only.
After an hour an a half. |
Strain the liquid, squeeze as much as you can out of the pulp and then compost it.
Guava liquid. It is currently on the stove boiling, join me for making jam pt. 2, in which I disclose my recipe and talk about boiling jars.
Jars! That's what I'm doing on a Friday night.