Saturday, 22 September 2012

Creative Tanks

In last week's post I briefly mentioned the Creative Tanks event that was occurring for the Carnival of Flowers this month. I was also involved in the Creative Tanks event last year. It's strangely nostaglic to be completing the same event, thinking about where I was twelve months ago. For 2011, I certainly wasn't in a place to post about the event as it was happening.
Didn't get around to it until January, tsk.

I certainly know a bit more about links now, too. Here is one that will take you to my artist page on the made. creative space website.

The event;

Setting up in the morning, inside the store
From the outside

Some of the supplies

Set up
Forest friends's all little too twee.

Dressed up for the Carnival. Flowers in spring, let it be said I was a paradigm shifter.

Peering into the murky depths of a wool basket

Playing in the DANGERZONE with a cappucino
Thanks are also in order for Leanne of Mary Ryan's Books, Music and Coffee. She's allowing me to commandeer a chair, table and a sandwich board, as well as space in her store over the next week. Artists don't get to do what they do without the support of people like her, who have the space to display them and the urge to share it. Thank you!
This is not in relation to Creative Tanks, and probably doesn't warrant spamming up your feeds with another blog post. The Artwork Exchange exhibition, in conjunction with MARS (fingers crossed I've got the connections right) kicked off this Friday in their gallery at theGRID hybrid arts collective.
Follow this link to be taken to a short video of the opening, which has a lot more about the work of the other artists.
Because I couldn't see my contribution in it, here is a still;

A little top hat bowler fellow. If you go in and visit, he has a superfluous third something located somewhere on his armless torso. Paying attention to ridiculous little details is what keeps me interested.
I have also heard an excellent argument for why his first and second ones are superfluous also, but you can make your own mind up about that.
UPDATE: The work is in the video. I just needed to have a little faith and watch a little harder.
Now, eagle-eyed readers might be wondering about the artwork that can only be glimpsed in the above image. Here it is, in marvellous fuzzy colour.
by HosHiko Street Art
Follow a link to their tumblr here. This picture really doesn't do them justice. If you like robots, candy and cute things, that's the place you should go.

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