Tuesday 10 May 2011

Fairy-ring 2; an update.

So, over the last few weeks my work ground to a halt as I have started prac and moved house, but I have too much stuff I want to do so after some late nights working I am getting towards the end of Fairy-ring 2. I am helped by the amount of rags in shades of green I have managed to obtain. That being said, I still need more. It's a challenge of using recycled materials that I have not needed to consider until now.

Saturday night
So far, Fairy-ring 2 contains 3 medium-sized t-shirts, 1 pillowcase and 1 queen-sized bed sheet.

Sunday, and I have added another two t-shirts.
Monday, another single sheet and half of another queen-sized one.
This rug in particular has a lot of old bedsheets. It got me wondering about sex ghosts.

I have to clip the loops still to get that shag, which will take probably another 2 hours. But it's downhill from here, phew. On to the next one...

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